Most Recent Additions*
The Double-Edge Sword: Does FDI Exacerbate Inefficiency Traps? Evidence of Indonesian Manufacturing Firms
Mohammad Zeqi Yasin, Miguel Angel Esquivas, and Fichrie Fachrowi Adli
Does Climate Change Impacts Output? An Empirical Evidence from Asia Pacific Countries.
Chinmaya Behera Dr., Ranjan Kumar Mohanty Dr., Biswashree Tanaya Priyadarsini Ms., and Debasis Patnaik
AI Integration and Digital Regulation: Impacts on Global Trade in Digital Services
Srividhya M and RAVI KIRAN REDDI
Sustainability in Forex Trading: a Review in Search of The SARSA-FIS Hybrid Method as a Novelty
Joni Fat, Parwadi Moengin, Pudji Astuti, and Sally Cahyati
How influential are Digital Technologies on Good Governance and Quality Institutions in ASEAN?
Ismail Aremu Muhammed, Ahmed Masood Khalid, and Gamini Premaratne
Macroeconomic Modelling Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goal-13 in India
Aqib Mujtaba Dr., Pravakar Sahoo Dr., and Pabitra Kumar Jena Dr.
Twitter Based Uncertainty and Stock Returns Connectedness In Case of Selected APEC Countries
Badri Narayan Rath and Chinmaya Behera
Perry Warjiyo
EDITORIAL (Climate Change, Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Sustainability BMEB China Special Issue)
Yoga Affandi, Solikin M. Juhro, and Paresh Kumar Narayan
Unravelling Dynamics and Connectedness: Distinguishing The Influence of Sustainable Finance and Artificial Intelligence on Energy Sustainability in China
Chi Wei Su and Meng Qin
Macroeconomic Risks of Carbon Emission Constraints
Yuzhe Huang and Changchun Pan
Cheaper is Better? Evidence From China Fund Expense and Performance
Yezhou Sha and Jianwu Yi
Impact of Covid-19 on International Trade
Paresh Kumar Narayan, Chun Ping Chang, and Xin-Xin Zhao
How Does Climate Risk Affect Employment Adjustment? Firm-Level Evidence from China
Dongmin Kong, Zihan Xiong, and Ni Qin
Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Agricultural Climate Risk: Does the Agricultural Kuznets Curve Exist?
Chien-Chiang Lee, Farzan Yahya, and Md Reza Sultanuzzaman
From Hell to Heaven: How Climate Risks Hurt the Poor and Climate Finance Heals Them
Dr. Kangyin Dong, Congyu Zhao, and Xiucheng Dong
India and the Rest of the World: Analyses of International Monetary Policy Spillovers
Impact of Crises on Indian Financial Markets
Pami Dua and Divya Tuteja
Indian Mutual Fund Industry: Is 2014 a Turning Point?
Shobhit Goel and Pawan Kumar
*Updated as of 03/29/25.