Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking

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Call for Paper


How do Digital Technologies (DT) affect the quality of governance and institutions in ASEAN? We address this question through employing a panel data technique on 10 ASEAN countries over the period between 1996 and 2022. The findings reveal that DT are influential in the quality of governance and institutions in these countries. Specifically, fixed broadband subscriptions, individuals using the internet, and mobile cellular subscriptions are vital in promoting good governance and quality institutions in ASEAN. Moreover, government effectiveness and rule of law responded and improved more significantly with the development of DT. It was concluded that effective government policy and sound rule of law in ASEAN is achieved when the development of DT is prioritized, especially those technologies that help to lessen the bureaucratic bottlenecks encountered in the public sector and those that improve the transparency of government policies.

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Brunei Darussalam


Universiti Brunei Darussalam

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