Introductory text for Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 27, Number 4 (2024)
EDITORIAL (Climate Change, Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Sustainability BMEB China Special Issue)
Yoga Affandi, Solikin M. Juhro, and Paresh Kumar Narayan
From Hell to Heaven: How Climate Risks Hurt the Poor and Climate Finance Heals Them
Dr. Kangyin Dong, Congyu Zhao, and Xiucheng Dong
Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Agricultural Climate Risk: Does the Agricultural Kuznets Curve Exist?
Chien-Chiang Lee, Farzan Yahya, and Md Reza Sultanuzzaman
How Does Climate Risk Affect Employment Adjustment? Firm-Level Evidence from China
Dongmin Kong, Zihan Xiong, and Ni Qin
Impact of Covid-19 on International Trade
Paresh Kumar Narayan, Chun Ping Chang, and Xin-Xin Zhao
Cheaper is Better? Evidence From China Fund Expense and Performance
Yezhou Sha and Jianwu Yi
Macroeconomic Risks of Carbon Emission Constraints
Yuzhe Huang and Changchun Pan