Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking

Crossmark Policy

Crossmark program managed by CrossRef is an initiative designed to provide a standard way for readers to locate the current version of a piece of content. At the Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, we are committed to preserving the accuracy and integrity of our scholarly records. By applying the Crossmark button, we ensure transparency by alerting readers to any updates, corrections, or retractions. This allows easy access to the most recent and reliable version of our published content.

By clicking the Crossmark icon associated with our publications, readers can obtain up-to-date information about the document's status, including any updates, corrections, or retractions that have been issued. We believe that maintaining openness and providing accurate information is essential to upholding trust and integrity within the scholarly community.

Types of Updates Included in Crossmark

Type Short description
Addendum Additional information provided after the original publication.
Clarification An explanation provided to avoid any misunderstandings related to the published content.
Correction A general term for fixing errors found in the original publication.
Corrigendum Corrections made by the author for errors in the original publication.
Erratum Corrections made by the publisher for technical or typographical errors.
Expression of Concern A notice indicating concerns about the validity of the published content, although not sufficient for retraction.
New Edition A completely revised edition of a previously published work.
New Version An updated version of a document with significant changes.
Partial Retraction Partial withdrawal of content from the published work.
Removal Complete removal of content from the publication.
Retraction The official withdrawal of a published work due to significant errors or ethical violations.
Withdrawal Removal of content before or shortly after publication, usually at the author's request.

We encourage readers to always check the document status via the Crossmark icon available to ensure they are accessing the most valid and up-to-date version of the information.