Volume 26, Number 4 (2023)
How Effective are Price Regulator’s Price Control Measures?
Biman Chand Prasad, Prof. Paresh K. Narayan, and Joel Abraham
The Impact Of Covid-19 On Carbon Emissions: Empirical Evidence From China
Yanwei Lyu, You Wu, Wenqiang Wang, and Jinning Zhang
Do Financial Technology Firms Influence Labour Force Outcomes in Indonesian Banks?
Paresh K. Narayan and Dinh Hoang Bach Phan
Do price controlled basic food items affect inflation in Fiji?
Joel Abraham, Akeneta Vonoyauyau, and Seema W. Narayan Prof.
Coin Specific Sentiments Matter For The Non-Fungible Tokens Spillovers: How And When?
Oguzhan Cepni and Ahmet Faruk Aysan