Volume 25, Number 3 (2022)
The Impact Of Domestic Investors’ Participation In Government Debt On Bank Loans To The Private Sector: A Cross-Country Study
Justina Adamanti, Sugiharso Safuan, and Zaäfri Ananto Husodo
Nowcasting Regional Economic Growth In Indonesia
Jesica Nauli Br. Siringo Ringo and Anugerah Karta Monika
Indonesia’s Financial Stress Events And Macroeconomic Dynamics
Sugiharso Safuan, Eric Alexander Sugandi, Okta Qomaruddin Aziz, and Risna Triandhari
Asymmetric Impacts Of Monetary Policy Shock On Output Gap: Evidence From Regions In Indonesia
Sugeng Triwibowo and Defy Oktaviani
Pandemic Shocks And Macro-Financial Policy Responses: An Estimated Dsge-Var Model For Indonesia
Advis Budiman, Sugiharso Safuan, Solikin M. Juhro, and Febrio N. Kacaribu
The Systemic Risk In The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries’ Equity Markets And Banking Sectors: A Dynamic Covar Approach
Aktham Maghyereh, Nader Virk, Basel Awartani, and Mohammad Al Shboul