Volume 20, Number 4 (2018)
The Analysis of Risk Profile and Financial Vulnerability of Households in Indonesia
Arlyana Abubakar, Rieska Indah Astuti, and Rini Oktapiani
Disaggregation and Forecasting of the Monthly Indonesian Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Profita Sumunar Luthfiana and Nasrudin
Cryptocurrencies From Islamic Perspectives: The Case Of Bitcoin
Ahmad Kameel Mydin Meera
Credit Risk Models for Five Major Sectors in Indonesia
Ndari Surjaningsih, Ina Nurmalia Kurniati, and Reni Indriani
Impact of Financial Inclusion on Financial Stability based on Income Group Countries
Azka Azifah Dienillah, Lukytawati Anggraeni, and Sahara Sahara